UPDATE : December 5, 2024 – GOVERNMENT EXTENDS LIST – The government has just issued an executive decree, using a tool called an Order In Council (OIC) to ban more rifles in Canada.
The new bans are effective immediately.
If you own one of these firearms, you are expected to not use it anymore and store it in your home until a compensation program is eventually put into place.
There is no way to turn in your prohibited firearm now and receive compensation later. If you turn in your firearm before a compensation program is released – no compensation is provided.
Why is this new ban list considered controversial?
- The tool used to enforce the ban is considered by some people to be controversial. Capital punishment, abortion, assisted suicide, prostitution, legalization of drugs, gun control etc. Certain political and legal subject matter is always considered highly controversial and/or divisive. As such, commonly held opinion is that any new law surrounding any such controversial subject deserves objective, healthy, open, and honest parliamentary debate, followed by senate scrutiny. OIC is a tool available to the government to make changes to regulations without parliamentary debate, without passing new legislation, and without senate scrutiny. Because it is a tool that bi-passes ordinary parliamentary and senate scrutiny, but nonetheless holds the force of new law, it is not a tool typically used for such controversial issues.
- Some consider the term “assault-style firearms” to be, in itself, a very controversial term that sounds very similar to the term “assault firearm” which is a category of firearm that has been prohibited in Canada since 1978. This is inflamed by the use of language and statements that imply that the civilian firearms being banned are “designed for the battlefield”. The most popular and common firearms found on the new list are in common use by civilian hunters and target shooters and were never designed for the battlefield, and never adopted by any military in the world, nor ever used in any battlefield.
- Some people are stating that the government is not consistent in what firearms it considers to be “assault style firearms”. After the ban in May 2020, the government publicly announced that there were still over 19,000 models of firearms still available to gun owners to replace the banned firearms at that time. That government statement regarding those remaining over 19,000 models was a public declaration that the firearms that were not banned in May 2020 were deemed acceptable by the government.
- Most, if not all, of the firearms on the new list were already available in Canada during the last ban of May 2020 and the government did not consider these to be “assault style firearms” at that time. Some gun owners are stating that the government did not consider these firearms to be designed for the battlefield in May 2020. These gun owners are asking how a firearm on a gun store shelf in May 2020 was not designed for the battlefield at that time, how did it become “designed for the battlefield” in December 2024?
- Some gun owners and businesses consider the new ban unfair because
- This new ban affects the most popular firearms from that remaining list of 19,000 firearm models that the government previously publicly announced were “not assault-style firearms” as of May 2020.
- This new ban reflects a change in the governments opinion of what is an “assault style” firearm. This is seen as “moving the goal posts”.
- The new list of banned firearms are the firearms that in many instances, were purchased by the gun owners affected by the May 2020 ban to replace those previously banned firearms.
- The list seems arbitrary to some people. Some people have noticed that some of the very popular firearms that were banned, such as the Smith & Wesson FPC and Ruger PCC 9mm semi-automatic rifles are functionally identical to firearms that are not on the newly released list such as the Henry Homesteader, 9mm Semi-automatic rifle.
- Not a single firearm from the May 2020 list has been “bought back”. There is a lot of discussion online regarding the fact that firearms owners have not been compensated yet by the government “buyback” program for the firearms banned in May 2020. It has been nearly 5 years since the government promised to fairly compensate gun owners for their firearms with a “buyback” program. The government has reportedly spent over 100 million dollars on this project so far without buying back a single firearm.
- This new ban took effect immediately, which does not allow businesses to “brace” for new prohibitions and take measures to mitigate the effect of the ban on their business. The government allowed these businesses to order and accept shipments of these firearms, only to have them freeze this new inventory on the store shelves pending “buyback” which can take 4 years or more.
- The announcement of ban being in effect immediately did not permit gun owners to mitigate the effect of the ban. There are stories circulating online about gun owners in the field hunting with these firearms when this new regulation change took effect – with no notification. Stories of firearms instructors with these firearms in classrooms teaching safety courses when the ban took effect. Placing those gun owners in serious legal jeopardy with what was legal when they started that day with.
- There are a lot of gun owners stating online that they are concerned about the lack of consultation and consideration. Often cited, is that when the new ban was first publicly announced at a press conference- the government hadn’t even made the list public yet. It was hours later when the list became public.
- It seems that many gun owners were offended by remarks made at the press conference announcing this new ban. Apparently, the Minister of Public Safety stated that he saw pictures of the first firearm destroyed from the May 2020 firearms ban, implying the confiscation program was a success, however people are noting that:
- the firearm was destroyed nearly 5 years after the ban was announced.
- the owner of that firearm was not compensated for that firearm because there was still no compensation model in place at the time of his announcement. No person has yet been compensated for a firearm.
- people are also apparently very upset because the destroyed firearm the minister hails as a success at this conference, was more than likely:
- from one of the many small gun shops that went bankrupt after the last wave of bans. Businesses have been waiting nearly 5 years for compensation for their in-store inventory that was banned. These firearms would have been seized and destroyed with no compensation.
- turned in by the family of an owner who died, and the estate was not eligible to wait for the “buyback” compensation program to be put into place. Many owners of the banned firearms have died while awaiting the compensation program, those families are out of that investment. These firearms would have been seized and destroyed with no compensation.
- from an owner that just could not store the firearm any longer, or had to move, and/or gave up after waiting nearly 5 years for the compensation program to begin. Apparently, there is no permit available to authorize moving these prohibited firearms when changing address?

What are people saying about the new ban?

UPDATE : Feb 2, 2023 – BILL C21 AMENDMENTS – The below proposed amendments have been dropped from the legislation due to public outcry. We are awaiting new amendments.
UPDATE : Nov 29, 2022 – BILL C21 AMENDMENTS.
The way that the amendments are written, it may be difficult to know if your rifle or shotgun will be captured (banned) by the laws when they pass. Some firearms are specifically listed upfront, but other clauses, based on features, appear to capture many more firearms than what is outright listed.
If these amendments become law, firearms owners will need to ensure that their firearms do not fall under any of the new named or technical feature clauses to avoid Criminal Code charges. Admittedly, it appears this may be very difficult for the average person.
This complexity is compounded by the fact that there are many firearms caught up in the new amendments that do not appear to fit the description of what most people would consider “military-grade” firearms nor would they typically be described as “firearms designed to kill the most people in the shortest amount of time“. Surprisingly, there are many .22 Long Rifle calibre rifles (a small game and Olympic target shooting calibre) and many shotguns included in the specifically listed firearms.
The examples below are just a few rifles specifically named to be prohibited that are very common in Canada and are widely known to be used regularly for hunting and sport shooting in Canada:

We have received confirmation from the Chief Firearms Officer (CFO) of Ontario that the government is still issuing RPAL licences (PAL with restricted privileges) and there are no plans to stop issuing them in the future. The CFO has confirmed that instructors can continue to run CRFSC courses and exams. Students who successfully complete the CRFSC course and exam will still be able to apply for a PAL with restricted privileges.
There are still many reasons to take the CRFSC, and we are encouraging students to continue forward obtaining their RPAL licence:
1. Not all handgun transfers have been frozen. The government has a list of exceptions where handguns transfers will still be granted;
2. You still require an RPAL licence for many employment purposes (ie. many security, law enforcement, wilderness protection, and other employment opportunities);
3. You still require an RPAL licence to purchase restricted rifles/shotguns;
4. You still require an RPAL licence to borrow restricted firearms;
5. You still require an RPAL licence to use restricted firearms at a range (handguns are still used at shooting ranges);
6. The firearms laws in Canada are currently in an extreme state of flux. Many new changes to firearms laws have occurred recently and more and more changes keep being proposed. It makes sense in this climate to maintain the highest level of privileges on your firearm licence. The government can re-classify your one-time non-restricted firearm into the restricted firearm category at any time (even without passing any new legislation); and
7. You also get a broader introduction to firearms safety training, and extra hands-on time with firearms by attending the CRFSC. You should learn how to handle all firearms safely.
May 16, 2022 UPDATE: Gun Amnesty Extension (until October 2023).
Effective May 1st, 2020, the government of Canada has introduced a new firearms ban that effects over 1,500 models of firearms. It is our responsibility as citizens to know the current laws. See the 2 year Amnesty Order
Due to the technical nature of firearms laws, there may be some firearms that may be unexpectedly prohibited to the uninformed. Make sure you know the legal status of your firearms by becoming familiar with the new firearms regulations.

There are several differing legal opinions regarding the implications of the new firearms prohibition:
The new assault weapon regulations are written extremely broadly and are subject to interpretation. For example, the RCMP considers many rifles and shotguns prohibited under the new laws (including many .22 calibre rifles, 12 gauge shotguns, single shot, break action, and bolt action firearms) that are not listed in the regulations below.
Legal Opinion: Did the Canadian Government Ban 12-Gauge Shotguns?
Legal opinion: What Does the 2020 Firearms Ban Mean for Firearms Owners?
Legal Opinion: 20mm Bore Diameter Restriction Makes 12-Gauge Shotguns Prohibited Firearms
Legal Opinion: 10,000 Joules Muzzle Energy
OFAH Analysis on Firearms Ban
Legal Opinion: What is “Nullification” of Firearm Registration Certificates?
Legal Opinion Regarding Authorization to Transport Newly Banned Firearms for the purpose of Moving to a new Residence
RCMP opinion: What you need to know about the Government of Canada’s new prohibition on certain firearms and devices

The Amnesty Order has been made to protect affected individuals who
(1) were in legal possession of a newly prohibited firearm or prohibited device at the time the Regulations came into force, and,
(2) continue to hold a valid licence during the amnesty period, from criminal liability for unlawful possession of a prohibited firearm in order to afford the individuals with time to dispose of the firearms.
• Affected firearms may NOT be brought to the range.
• Nor can they be transported, transferred, loaned, or given away.
• You MUST store any newly prohibited arms in accordance with the regulations for their previous classification.
Summary of newly prohibited firearms
The list is quite lenghty, the most prominent changes are in the table below, newly prohibited firearms are on the left side of the table:
Principal model | Previous classification | |
1 | M16, AR-10, and AR-15 rifles and M4 carbine (which represent one family of firearms commonly known as the AR Platform) | Mostly restricted, some non-restricted |
2 | Ruger Mini-14 rifle | Mostly non-restricted, some restricted |
3 | Vz58 rifle | Mostly non-restricted, some restricted |
4 | US Rifle M14 | Non-restricted |
5 | Beretta Cx4 Storm carbine | Restricted and non-restricted |
6 | Robinson Armament XCR rifle | Mostly non-restricted, some restricted |
7 | CZ Scorpion EVO 3 carbine and pistol | Restricted and non-restricted |
8 | SIG Sauer SIG MCX and SIG Sauer SIG MPX carbines and pistols | Restricted and non-restricted |
9 | Swiss Arms Classic Green and Four Seasons series rifles | Non-restricted and restricted |
Category | Previous | |
1 | Firearms with 20 mm bore or greater | Non-restricted, a few restricted |
2 | Firearms capable of discharging a projectile with a muzzle energy greater than 10 000 joules | Non-restricted |

Detailed list of newly prohibited firearms
IMPORTANT TO KNOW AS YOU REVIEW THIS LIST: Be aware that the following list is not a complete list of the firearms affected by the ban. Firearms that are considered “variants” of the listed firearms are also prohibited, as well as any firearms that fall under the 20mm bore size and/or 10,000 joules muzzle energy clauses.
83 The firearms of the designs commonly known as the SG-550 rifle and SG-551 carbine, and any variants or modified versions of them, including the SAN Swiss Arms
- (a) Aestas;
- (b) Autumnus;
- (c) Black Special;
- (d) Black Special Carbine;
- (e) Black Special CQB;
- (f) Black Special Target;
- (g) Blue Star;
- (h) Classic Green;
- (i) Classic Green Carbine;
- (j) Classic Green CQB;
- (k) Classic Green Sniper;
- (l) Heavy Metal;
- (m) Hiemis;
- (n) Red Devil;
- (o) Swiss Arms Edition; and
- (p) Ver.

(2) Part 1 of the schedule to the Regulations is amended by adding the following after item 86:
87 The firearms of the designs commonly known as the M16, AR-10 and AR-15 rifles and the M4 carbine, and any variants or modified versions of them — other than one referred to in item 47, 49 or 50 of this Part — including the
- (a) 2 Vets Arms 2VA-10;
- (b) 2 Vets Arms 2VA-15;
- (c) Accuracy Systems A-15 Custom Edition LR Tech Tactical;
- (d) Adams Arms AA15;
- (e) Adams Arms AASF-308;
- (f) Adams Arms Multical;
- (g) ADC ADC234;
- (h) ADC ADC253;
- (i) Adcor Defense A556 Elite GI;
- (j) Adcor Defense ADC15;
- (k) Adcor Defense B.E.A.R.;
- (l) Adcor Defense Elite;
- (m) Addax Tactical ADDAX-ZK;
- (n) Addax Tactical AT-15;
- (o) AdeQ Firearms L-Tac;
- (p) AdeQ Firearms Paladin;
- (q) AdeQ Firearms Venator;
- (r) Advanced Armament Corporation MPW;
- (s) Advanced Armaments Incorporated M15;
- (t) Aero Precision A15;
- (u) Aero Precision AP15;
- (v) Aero Precision G15 Ghost Gun;
- (w) Aero Precision H15;
- (x) Aero Precision M4 Carbine;
- (y) Aero Precision M4E1;
- (z) Aero Precision M5;
- (z.001) Aero Precision M16A4;
- (z.002) Aero Precision Pistol;
- (z.003) Aero Precision P-15 PEW;
- (z.004) Aero Precision STS15;
- (z.005) Aero Precision X15;
- (z.006) Airtronic DMR;
- (z.007) Alamo Tactical AT-15;
- (z.008) Alberta Tactical Rifle AT15;
- (z.009) Alexander Arms AAR15;
- (z.01) Alexander Arms AAR15 Beowulf;
- (z.011) Alexander Arms AAR15 Beowulf Overwatch;
- (z.012) Alexander Arms AAR15 Genghis;
- (z.013) Alexander Arms AAR15 Grendel;
- (z.014) Alexander Arms AAR15 Grendel Overwatch;
- (z.015) Alexander Arms AAR17;
- (z.016) Alien Armory UFO-10;
- (z.017) Ambush Firearms A11;
- (z.018) Ameetec Arms AM-15 General;
- (z.019) Ameetec Arms AM-15 Modular;
- (z.02) Ameetec Arms AM-15 M4 Tactical Master;
- (z.021) Ameetec Arms AM-15 Standard Tactical;
- (z.022) Ameetec Arms AM-15 Standard Varmint;
- (z.023) Ameetec Arms AM-15 Tactical Predator;
- (z.024) Ameetec Arms AM-15 Varmint Master;
- (z.025) Ameetec Arms AM-15 9MM;
- (z.026) Ameetec Arms WM-15;
- (z.027) America Remembers Colt AR15A2 Match HBar Vietnam Commemorative;
- (z.028) American Defense Manufacturing UICH;
- (z.029) American Defense Manufacturing UIC 10A;
- (z.03) American Historical Foundation Colt AR15A2 Sporter Match HBar Vietnam Tribute Special Edition;
- (z.031) American Historical Foundation Colt AR15A2 Sporter Target Operation Desert Storm Commemorative;
- (z.032) American Precision Arms A15;
- (z.033) American Spirit Arms ASA15;
- (z.034) American Spirit Arms ASA15 Pistol;
- (z.035) American Spirit Arms ASA308;
- (z.036) American Spirit Arms Canadian Carbine;
- (z.037) American Tactical Imports AT-15;
- (z.038) American Tactical Imports ATI-15;
- (z.039) American Tactical Imports MilSport;
- (z.04) American Tactical Imports MilSport Canadian;
- (z.041) American Tactical Imports Omni;
- (z.042) American Tactical Imports Omni Hybrid;
- (z.043) American Tactical Imports Omni Hybrid Pistol;
- (z.044) American Tactical Imports T14;
- (z.045) Anderson Manufacturing AM-10;
- (z.046) Anderson Manufacturing AM-15;
- (z.047) Angstadt Arms JACK9;
- (z.048) Anvil Arms AA15;
- (z.049) Area 53 El Capitan;
- (z.05) Area 53 El Jefe;
- (z.051) Ares Defense Systems Ares-15;
- (z.052) Ares Defense Systems Ares-15 MCR;
- (z.053) Ares Defense Systems Ares-15 MCR Sub-Carbine;
- (z.054) Ares Defense Systems SCR;
- (z.055) AR Five Seven AR15;
- (z.056) AR Five Seven AR57 LEM;
- (z.057) AR Five Seven AR57A1 PDW;
- (z.058) Armalite AR-10A;
- (z.059) Armalite AR-10A2;
- (z.06) Armalite AR-10A4;
- (z.061) Armalite AR-10B;
- (z.062) Armalite AR-10 KLM;
- (z.063) Armalite AR-10 Magnum;
- (z.064) Armalite AR-10NM;
- (z.065) Armalite AR-10T;
- (z.066) Armalite AR-102 Sporter;
- (z.067) Armalite M4C Carbine;
- (z.068) Armalite M15;
- (z.069) Armalite M15A2;
- (z.07) Armalite M15A4;
- (z.071) Armalite M15A4 T;
- (z.072) Armalite M15 Pistol;
- (z.073) Armalite SPR Mod 1;
- (z.074) Armalite SPR Mod 2;
- (z.075) Armalite SPR Mod 2A;
- (z.076) Armalite AR-10 Pistol;
- (z.077) Armi Jager AP15;
- (z.078) Armi Jager AP74;
- (z.079) Armitage International BR-15-A6S;
- (z.08) Armscorp AC-15;
- (z.081) Arms East N8S;
- (z.082) Armtech X;
- (z.083) Ascend Armory A15;
- (z.084) AR15 Chatterbox CB-15;
- (z.085) AR15.Com ARFCOM;
- (z.086) AR15.Com AR15.Com;
- (z.087) AXTS AX556;
- (z.088) Badrock Tactical BR10;
- (z.089) Badrock Tactical BR15;
- (z.09) Bartlett Enterprises 1202009;
- (z.091) Barrett Firearms M468;
- (z.092) Barrett Firearms REC7;
- (z.093) Barrett Firearms REC10;
- (z.094) Battle Arms Development BAD-PDW;
- (z.095) Battle Arms Development BAD-15;
- (z.096) Battle Arms Development BAD556-LW;
- (z.097) Battle Rifle Company BR15;
- (z.098) Battle Rifle Company BR16;
- (z.099) Battle Rifle Company BR308;
- (z.1) BCI Defense SQS-15;
- (z.101) BCM Rifle Company BCM4;
- (z.102) BCM Rifle Company M4A1;
- (z.103) Bean Firearms BFC-15A;
- (z.104) Bear Creek Arsenal BCA15;
- (z.105) Black Creek Labs BCL15;
- (z.106) Black Creek Labs BCL102;
- (z.107) Black Creek Labs BCL102B;
- (z.108) Black Dawn BDR-15;
- (z.109) Black Forge BF15;
- (z.11) Blackheart International BHI-15;
- (z.111) Black Leaf Industries BL10;
- (z.112) Black Leaf Industries BL10B Prototype;
- (z.113) Black Leaf Industries BL15;
- (z.114) Black Rain Ordnance Fallout 10;
- (z.115) Black Rain Ordnance Fallout 15;
- (z.116) Black Rain Ordnance SPEC15;
- (z.117) Black Rifle Company BRC15B;
- (z.118) Blackwater BW-15;
- (z.119) Black Weapons Armory BWA-15;
- (z.12) Blue Line BL-15LE1;
- (z.121) Boberg CDH-15;
- (z.122) Bohica M16SA;
- (z.123) BPM BP15;
- (z.124) BPM CQB-10;
- (z.125) BPM LR-10;
- (z.126) Breda B4;
- (z.127) Brownell’s BRN-16A1;
- (z.128) Brownell’s BRN-601;
- (z.129) Brownell’s XBRN16E1;
- (z.13) Bushmaster Carbon 15;
- (z.131) Bushmaster XM15E2S;
- (z.132) Bushmaster XM15E2S Law Enforcement;
- (z.133) Bushmaster XM15E2S M4;
- (z.134) Bushmaster XM15E2S M4GP;
- (z.135) Bushmaster XM15E2S Predator;
- (z.136) Bushmaster XM15E2S Varminter;
- (z.137) Bushmaster XM15E2S 450 Bushmaster;
- (z.138) Bushmaster XM15E2S DCM Competition Rifle;
- (z.139) Bushmaster Bushmaster 308;
- (z.14) Bushmaster BAR-10;
- (z.141) Bushmaster XM15E2S V Match;
- (z.142) Bushmaster BR-308;
- (z.143) C3 Defense C3-15;
- (z.144) Cadex AR15 Karpat SPVM;
- (z.145) Cadex CDX-10;
- (z.146) Cadex CDX-15;
- (z.147) Calguns AR15;
- (z.148) Canstar Arms AR 338 Lapua;
- (z.149) Cavalry Arms CAV-15;
- (z.15) Cavalry Arms CAV-15 MARK 2;
- (z.151) Cavalry Arms CAV-15 Rifleman;
- (z.152) Centurion Arms C4;
- (z.153) Centurion Tactical CT-15;
- (z.154) Century Arms C15A1 Sporter;
- (z.155) Century Arms C15 Sporter;
- (z.156) Century International Arms Centurion 15 Sporter;
- (z.157) Charles Daly Defense CDD-15;
- (z.158) Chiappa Firearms M Four-22;
- (z.159) Chiappa Firearms M Four-22 Pistol;
- (z.16) Chirstensen Arms Carbon CA-10 DMR;
- (z.161) Christensen Arms Carbon CA-10 G2;
- (z.162) Christensen Arms Carbon CA-10 Recon;
- (z.163) Christensen Arms Carbon CA-15;
- (z.164) Christensen Arms Carbon CA-15 Predator;
- (z.165) Christensen Arms Carbon CA-15 Recon;
- (z.166) Christensen Arms Carbon CA TAC 10;
- (z.167) Clark Custom Guns Gator;
- (z.168) CLE MR15;
- (z.169) CMMG Mod4SA;
- (z.17) CMMG MK3;
- (z.171) CMMG MK-4;
- (z.172) CMMG MK-5;
- (z.173) CMMG MK-8;
- (z.174) CMMG MK-9;
- (z.175) CMMG MKG-45;
- (z.176) CMMG MKW-15;
- (z.177) CMT LT-15;
- (z.178) Cobalt Kinetics BAMF;
- (z.179) Cobalt Kinetics CARS;
- (z.18) Cobb MCR;
- (z.181) Cobb MCR 30-06 SPRG 100th Anniversary Commemorative;
- (z.182) Colt AR15A2 Sporter 2;
- (z.183) Colt AR15;
- (z.184) Colt AR15 SP1;
- (z.185) Colt AR15A2 Match Target Lightweight;
- (z.186) Colt AR15A2 Government;
- (z.187) Colt AR15A2 Sporter Delta HBar;
- (z.188) Colt AR15A2 Government Carbine;
- (z.189) Colt AR15A2 Sporter Competition HBar;
- (z.19) Colt AR15A2 Match Target HBar;
- (z.191) Colt AR15A2;
- (z.192) Colt AR15A2 Sporter HBar;
- (z.193) Colt AR15 Match HBar;
- (z.194) Colt AR15 Sporter;
- (z.195) Colt M4 Carbine Match Target;
- (z.196) Colt AR15A2 Match Target Target Model;
- (z.197) Colt AR15A3 Tactical Carbine;
- (z.198) Colt AR15A3 Match Target Competition HBar;
- (z.199) Colt AR15A2 Sporter Match Target Competition HBar 2;
- (z.2) Colt AR15 Sporter Lightweight;
- (z.201) Colt AR15A2 Sporter Match Target Lightweight;
- (z.202) Colt AR15A2 Sporter Target;
- (z.203) Colt AR15A2 Government Target;
- (z.204) Colt AR15A2 Sporter Match Target HBar;
- (z.205) Colt AR15A2 Sporter Match Delta HBar;
- (z.206) Colt AR15A2 Match Delta HBar;
- (z.207) Colt AR15A2 Sporter Match Target Competition HBar;
- (z.208) Colt AR15A2 Sporter Competition HBar Range Selected;
- (z.209) Colt AR15A2 Match Target Competition HBar 2;
- (z.21) Colt CAR15A3 HBar Elite;
- (z.211) Colt AR15 9MM Carbine;
- (z.212) Colt AR15A2 Carbine;
- (z.213) Colt AR15A2 Sporter Match HBar;
- (z.214) Colt Colts Law Enforcement Carbine;
- (z.215) Colt C7CT;
- (z.216) Colt C7A1;
- (z.217) Colt C7A2;
- (z.218) Colt IUR;
- (z.219) Colt M4 Carbine Sporter;
- (z.22) Colt Modular Carbine;
- (z.221) Colt M4A1 Carbine;
- (z.222) Colt M4 Carbine;
- (z.223) Colt SA15.7;
- (z.224) Colt SA20;
- (z.225) Colt AR-15A4;
- (z.226) Colt AR15A4 Lightweight LE Carbine;
- (z.227) Colt AR15 M16A1;
- (z.228) Colt AR15 Target Model;
- (z.229) Colt M4LE;
- (z.23) Colt M4 Light Carbine;
- (z.231) Colt M16 Rifle;
- (z.232) Colt M16 SPR;
- (z.233) Colt M16A2;
- (z.234) Colt AR15A2 Sporter Carbine;
- (z.235) Colt M16A2 Carbine;
- (z.236) Colt SMG;
- (z.237) Colt Competition CCR Competition;
- (z.238) Colt Competition CSR Sporting;
- (z.239) Combat Shooters BMF;
- (z.24) Conquest Arms CA-15;
- (z.241) Core Core-15;
- (z.242) Cross Machine Tool UHP-15;
- (z.243) Cross Machine Tool UHP15A;
- (z.244) Cross Machine Tool UHP15H;
- (z.245) Cross Machine Tool UHP15-PDW;
- (z.246) Cross Machine Tool UHP15SSA;
- (z.247) Cross Machine Tool UHP-10;
- (z.248) Dalphon BFD;
- (z.249) Dane Armory DAR-15;
- (z.25) Daniel Defense DD-15;
- (z.251) Daniel Defense M4 Carbine;
- (z.252) Daniel Defense DD MK762;
- (z.253) Daniel Defense DDM4;
- (z.254) Daniel Defense DD5;
- (z.255) Daniel Defense M4 Carbine Pistol;
- (z.256) Dark Storm Industries DS-15;
- (z.257) Defiance DMK22;
- (z.258) Defiance Machine XG14;
- (z.259) Delaware Machinery AR15;
- (z.26) Delphi Tactical Delphi-15;
- (z.261) Dennys Guns DG-AR16;
- (z.262) Desert Ordnance XM4 Rifle;
- (z.263) Detroit Gun Works DGW15;
- (z.264) Devil Dog Arms DDA-15B;
- (z.265) Devil Dog Arms DDA-10B;
- (z.266) Dez Arms DTA-10;
- (z.267) Diamondback Firearms DB-10;
- (z.268) Diamondback Firearms DB-15;
- (z.269) Diemaco Rifle C10;
- (z.27) Diemaco Rifle Experimental 84;
- (z.271) Dlask Arms AR15 Type;
- (z.272) Dlask Arms DAR701;
- (z.273) Dlask Arms DAR701 Canada 150 Birthday;
- (z.274) Dlask Arms PAC-5;
- (z.275) Dominion Arms DA556;
- (z.276) Double Star Star-15;
- (z.277) Double Star Star-15 Carbine;
- (z.278) Double Star Star-15 Super Match Rifle;
- (z.279) Double Star Star-15 CritterSlayer;
- (z.28) Double Star Star-15 Expedition Rifle;
- (z.281) Double Star Star-15 Dissipator;
- (z.282) Double Star Star-15 Target Rifle;
- (z.283) Double Star Star-15 Lightweight Tactical;
- (z.284) Double Star Star-15 Pistol;
- (z.285) Double Star Star-10B;
- (z.286) Dow FAL-15;
- (z.287) DPMS A-15;
- (z.288) DPMS A-15 Panther Bull;
- (z.289) DPMS A-15 Panther Bull Twenty-Four;
- (z.29) DPMS A-15 Panther Bull Twenty-Four Special;
- (z.291) DPMS A-15 Panther Bull Twenty-Four Super;
- (z.292) DPMS A-15 Panther Bulldog;
- (z.293) DPMS A-15 Panther Bull Sixteen;
- (z.294) DPMS A-15 Panther Bull SST Sixteen;
- (z.295) DPMS A-15 Panther Bull Classic;
- (z.296) DPMS A-15 Panther Prairie;
- (z.297) DPMS A-15 Panther Arctic;
- (z.298) DPMS A-15 Panther Classic;
- (z.299) DPMS A-15 Panther DCM;
- (z.3) DPMS A-15 Panther Southpaw;
- (z.301) DPMS A-15 Panther Classic Sixteen;
- (z.302) DPMS A-15 Panther Kitty Kat;
- (z.303) DPMS A-15 Panther Carbine;
- (z.304) DPMS A-15 Panther Race Gun;
- (z.305) DPMS A-15 Panther Tactical;
- (z.306) DPMS A-15 Panther Classic Lo-Pro;
- (z.307) DPMS LR-308 Panther;
- (z.308) DPMS A-15 Panther Carbine M-4;
- (z.309) DPMS A-15 Panther Lite;
- (z.31) DPMS A-15 Panther Tuber;
- (z.311) DPMS LR-300 Panther;
- (z.312) DPMS A-15 Panther 20th Anniversary;
- (z.313) DPMS LR-243 Panther;
- (z.314) DPMS LR-260 Panther;
- (z.315) DPMS LR-204 Panther;
- (z.316) DPMS LR-30S Panther;
- (z.317) DPMS A-15 Panther Pardus;
- (z.318) DPMS LR-338 Panther;
- (z.319) DPMS LR-6.5 Panther;
- (z.32) DPMS A-15 Panther Sportical;
- (z.321) DPMS A-15 Panther The Agency;
- (z.322) DPMS A-15 Panther CSAT;
- (z.323) DPMS A-15 Panther LBR Carbine;
- (z.324) DPMS A-15 Panther Hunter;
- (z.325) DPMS A-15 Panther 300 Blackout;
- (z.326) DPMS LR-G2 Panther;
- (z.327) DPMS A-15 Panther VRS Single Shot;
- (z.328) DPMS A-15 Panther Pump Rifle;
- (z.329) DPMS A-15 Panther 22;
- (z.33) DPMS A-15 Panther VAS Single Shot;
- (z.331) DPMS A-150 Panther;
- (z.332) DPMS G2;
- (z.333) DRD Paratus;
- (z.334) DRD M762;
- (z.335) DRD CDR-15;
- (z.336) DRD Kivaari;
- (z.337) DRD D8;
- (z.338) DSA Incorporated ZM4;
- (z.339) DTI DTI-15;
- (z.34) Dynamic Arms Research (DAR) DAR-10;
- (z.341) Dynamic Arms Research (DAR) DAR-15;
- (z.342) E3 Arms Omega-15;
- (z.343) Eagle Arms Division of Armalite AR-10;
- (z.344) Eagle Arms Division of Armalite Eagle-15;
- (z.345) Eagle Arms Division of Armalite M15;
- (z.346) Eagle Arms Division of Armalite M15A2;
- (z.347) Eagle Arms Division of Armalite M15A3;
- (z.348) Eagle Arms Division of Armalite M15P;
- (z.349) Eagle Arms Incorporated EA-15;
- (z.35) EDs Tactical Armory 2A;
- (z.351) Elite Machining GRX15;
- (z.352) Emtan EM-15;
- (z.353) Enfield Rifle Company MERC415;
- (z.354) EP Armory AR15/M16 Type;
- (z.355) Essential Arms Company J15;
- (z.356) Essential Arms Company J15F;
- (z.357) Essential Arms Company J15-2;
- (z.358) F&D Defense FD308;
- (z.359) F-1 Firearms BDR-10 CA;
- (z.36) F-1 Firearms BDR-10-3G CA;
- (z.361) F-1 Firearms BDR-15 CA;
- (z.362) F-1 Firearms BDR-15-3G CA;
- (z.363) F-1 Firearms FDR-15 CA;
- (z.364) F-1 Firearms UDR-15-3G;
- (z.365) Falkor Defense FD-15A;
- (z.366) Faxon Firearms ARAK-21 XRS;
- (z.367) Ferfrans SOACR;
- (z.368) Fightlite Industries MCR;
- (z.369) Firebird Precision Firearms FPX-15;
- (z.37) FMK AR-1 Patriot;
- (z.371) FMK AR1 Extreme;
- (z.372) FN FNX-01;
- (z.373) FN FN15;
- (z.374) FN FN15 Carbine;
- (z.375) FN FN15 Rifle;
- (z.376) Fortis Manufacturing FM15;
- (z.377) Frankford Arsenal XM-177E2;
- (z.378) Franklin Armory F17-L;
- (z.379) Franklin Armory F17-V4;
- (z.38) Franklin Armory HSC-15;
- (z.381) Franklin Armory Libertas;
- (z.382) Fulton Armory FAR-15;
- (z.383) Fulton Armory FAR-308;
- (z.384) GA Precision GAP-10;
- (z.385) GA Precision GAP-10 G2;
- (z.386) Gilboa Shorty 7;
- (z.387) Gilboa Commando 11.5;
- (z.388) Gilboa SMG;
- (z.389) Gilboa M-43;
- (z.39) Gilboa Carabine 14.5;
- (z.391) Gilboa DMR;
- (z.392) Gilboa Snake;
- (z.393) GPI Manufacturing SLR15;
- (z.394) Grande Armeria Camuna (GAC) GAC-15;
- (z.395) Grey Ghost Precision GGP-SBL;
- (z.396) Grey Ghost Precision GGP-S Grim;
- (z.397) Grey Ghost Precision GGP-S Heavy;
- (z.398) Grey Ghost Precision GGP-SLF;
- (z.399) Grey Ghost Precision GGP-S Light;
- (z.4) Grey Ghost Precision Specter Light;
- (z.401) GT Virtual Concepts GT15;
- (z.402) GTO Core-15;
- (z.403) GTO Hard Core 15;
- (z.404) Gun Room Company Noreen Bad News;
- (z.405) Gunwerks WY15;
- (z.406) Haenel CR223;
- (z.407) Haenel CR308;
- (z.408) Hayes Custom Guns H15;
- (z.409) Head Down HD-15;
- (z.41) Heckler & Koch HK416D;
- (z.411) Heckler & Koch HK417;
- (z.412) Heckler & Koch HKM4C;
- (z.413) Heckler & Koch MR;
- (z.414) Heckler & Koch MR223;
- (z.415) Heckler & Koch MR308;
- (z.416) Heckler & Koch MR556A1;
- (z.417) Heckler & Koch MR762A1;
- (z.418) Hera Arms HLS;
- (z.419) Hera Arms HCL;
- (z.42) Hera Arms HCL9M;
- (z.421) Hesse Arms HAR15A2;
- (z.422) Hesse Arms HAR15A2 Bull Gun;
- (z.423) Hesse Arms HAR15A2 National Match;
- (z.424) Hesse Arms HAR15A2 Standard;
- (z.425) Hesse Arms HAR25;
- (z.426) Hesse Arms Omega Match;
- (z.427) High Standard HSA-15;
- (z.428) High Standard HSA-15 Crusader;
- (z.429) High Standard HSA-15 Enforcer;
- (z.43) High Standard HSA-15 Enforcer 300;
- (z.431) Hogan Manufacturing H-308;
- (z.432) Hogan Manufacturing H223;
- (z.433) Hogan Manufacturing H-415;
- (z.434) Hogan Manufacturing H-416;
- (z.435) Holland Gunworks HGW15;
- (z.436) Hughes Precision HR-15F;
- (z.437) Huldra MARK 4;
- (z.438) Imperial Defence Services M16A3;
- (z.439) Interarms ISA-15;
- (z.44) Inter Ordnance IO-G9;
- (z.441) Intrepid Tactical Solutions RAS-12;
- (z.442) Iron City Rifle Works IC-9;
- (z.443) Iron City Rifle Works IC-15;
- (z.444) Iron Ridge Arms IRA-10D;
- (z.445) Irunguns Anarchy;
- (z.446) ISSC PAR223 Delta;
- (z.447) Jager AP74;
- (z.448) Jard J15;
- (z.449) JC Weaponry JC Weaponry;
- (z.45) JD Machine PR3;
- (z.451) Jesse James Firearms Unlimited M4 Carbine;
- (z.452) Joe Firearms JOE-15;
- (z.453) JP Enterprises JP-15 Match;
- (z.454) JP Enterprises JP-15;
- (z.455) JP Enterprises JP-15 IPSC Limited Class;
- (z.456) JP Enterprises JP-15 NRA Match;
- (z.457) JP Enterprises JP-15 Tactical/SOF;
- (z.458) JP Enterprises AR-10;
- (z.459) JP Enterprises Edge Grade 3;
- (z.46) JP Enterprises CTR-02;
- (z.461) JP Enterprises LRP-07;
- (z.462) JP Enterprises SCR-11;
- (z.463) JP Enterprises JPE-15;
- (z.464) JP Enterprises MBRG-13;
- (z.465) JP Enterprises GMR15;
- (z.466) Juggernaut Tactical JT-10;
- (z.467) Juggernaut Tactical JT-15;
- (z.468) Kaiser Defense Calguns.Net;
- (z.469) Kaiser Defense KR5;
- (z.47) Kaiser Military Technologies KR7;
- (z.471) KE Arms KE-15;
- (z.472) Kiss Tactical KISS-15;
- (z.473) Kiss Tactical K-15SE;
- (z.474) Knights Manufacturing Company SR-15;
- (z.475) Kodiak Defence JTF2 Silver Edition;
- (z.476) Kodiak Defence KD9;
- (z.477) Kodiak Defence KD15;
- (z.478) Kodiak Defence Kodiak-15;
- (z.479) Kodiak Defence Kodiak-39;
- (z.48) Lancer Systems LP L15;
- (z.481) Lancer Systems LP L30;
- (z.482) Lantac LA-N15;
- (z.483) Lantac LA-R15;
- (z.484) Lantac LA-SF15;
- (z.485) Lantac MK-4;
- (z.486) LAR Manufacturing Grizzly-15;
- (z.487) LAR Manufacturing AA15;
- (z.488) LAR Manufacturing SK15;
- (z.489) LaRue Tactical LT-15;
- (z.49) LaRue Tactical LT-762;
- (z.491) Lauer Custom Weaponry LCW15;
- (z.492) Lead Star LSA9;
- (z.493) LEI LM7;
- (z.494) Leitner-Wise Rifle LW15-7.82;
- (z.495) Leitner-Wise Rifle LW15-22;
- (z.496) Leitner-Wise Rifle LW15-499;
- (z.497) Les Baer Custom Ultimate AR;
- (z.498) Les Baer Custom Ultimate;
- (z.499) Les Baer Custom Match;
- (z.5) Les Baer Custom Match AR;
- (z.501) Les Baer Custom Thunder Ranch Special;
- (z.502) Les Baer Custom Monolith SWAT;
- (z.503) Les Baer Custom AR IPSC Action;
- (z.504) Les Baer Custom AR Super Match;
- (z.505) LMT Defender 2000;
- (z.506) LMT L129A1;
- (z.507) LMT LM308MWS;
- (z.508) LMT MARS LS;
- (z.509) Loki Weapon Systems LWSF;
- (z.51) Lone Wolf R & D LWD-AR9G;
- (z.511) Lone Wolf R & D LWD-AR9G Pistol;
- (z.512) LRB Arms M15SA;
- (z.513) Luvo BL-15LE;
- (z.514) Luvo BL-15LE1;
- (z.515) Luvo LA-15;
- (z.516) LWRC SABR;
- (z.517) LWRC REPR;
- (z.518) LWRC Six8;
- (z.519) LWRC CSASS;
- (z.52) LWRC REPR MARK 2;
- (z.521) LWRC 224 Valkyrie;
- (z.522) LWRC M6IC;
- (z.523) LWRC M6/M6A2;
- (z.524) M2 M16C;
- (z.525) M2 M16SP;
- (z.526) M2 M16X;
- (z.527) M2 M4N;
- (z.528) M2 Patrol;
- (z.529) M2 M16Z1;
- (z.53) MAG Tactical Systems MG-G4;
- (z.531) Magpul Armament MPLA;
- (z.532) Manta Machining PA15;
- (z.533) Manta Machining JH 308-F2;
- (z.534) Matrix Aerospace MA-15;
- (z.535) Matrix Aerospace M-762;
- (z.536) Matrix Aerospace M762-D;
- (z.537) Maxim Firearms B7075;
- (z.538) McDuffee Arms MAR15;
- (z.539) McDuffee Arms MLR308;
- (z.54) McKay Enterprises RM16A2;
- (z.541) Mega Arms MEGA MA-Ten;
- (z.542) Mega Arms GTR-3H;
- (z.543) Mega Machine Shop MEGA MMS;
- (z.544) Mega Machine Shop MEGA Gator;
- (z.545) Mega Machine Shop MEGA GTR-3H;
- (z.546) Mega Machine Shop MEGA GTR-3S;
- (z.547) Mega Machine Shop MEGA GTR-MA-Ten;
- (z.548) Mega Machine Shop MEGA MG-XTR;
- (z.549) MG Arms K-Yote;
- (z.55) MG Arms Taranis Light;
- (z.551) MGI Marck 15;
- (z.552) MGO Zombie;
- (z.553) Midwest Industries MI-15F;
- (z.554) Miller Precision Arms MPA300 Guardian;
- (z.555) Miller Precision Arms MPA556;
- (z.556) Miller Precision Arms MPA762;
- (z.557) Miller Precision Arms MPAR10;
- (z.558) Mil-Sport AR15;
- (z.559) Mil-Sport AR15 Pistol;
- (z.56) Mitchell Arms CAR15/22;
- (z.561) Mitchell Arms M16/22;
- (z.562) Mitchell Arms M16A1/22;
- (z.563) Mitchell Arms M16A3/22;
- (z.564) MKE KNT-76;
- (z.565) MMC Armory MA-15;
- (z.566) MOLOT Vepr-15;
- (z.567) Moores Machine Company MMC M4;
- (z.568) Mossberg MMR Tactical;
- (z.569) Mossberg MMR Hunter;
- (z.57) Motiuk Manufacturing MRC-15;
- (z.571) MVB Industries MVB-15F;
- (z.572) Nemesis Arms 11X10;
- (z.573) NEMO Battle Light;
- (z.574) NEMO Omen;
- (z.575) NEMO Battle Light 1.0;
- (z.576) New Frontier Armory C9;
- (z.577) New Frontier Armory G-15;
- (z.578) New Frontier Armory LW-15;
- (z.579) Next Generation Arms MFR;
- (z.58) Next Generation Arms MP168 SPC;
- (z.581) Next Level Armament NLX556;
- (z.582) NoDak Spud NDS-16A1;
- (z.583) NoDak Spud NDS-16A2;
- (z.584) NoDak Spud NDS-601;
- (z.585) NoDak Spud NDS-635;
- (z.586) NoDak Spud NDS-XM16E1;
- (z.587) Nord Arms NA-308;
- (z.588) Nordic Components NC-PCC;
- (z.589) Noreen Firearms Noreen Bad News;
- (z.59) Noreen Firearms Noreen BN36;
- (z.591) Noreen Firearms Noreen BN308;
- (z.592) Norinco 311-3;
- (z.593) Norinco Type CQ 311;
- (z.594) Norinco Type CQ 311-1;
- (z.595) Norinco Type CQ Semi-Automatic Rifle;
- (z.596) Norinco Type CQ-A Semi-Automatic Rifle;
- (z.597) Norinco Type CQ-A-1 Semi-Automatic Rifle;
- (z.598) North Eastern Arms NEA-15;
- (z.599) North Eastern Arms NEA-15 Pistol;
- (z.6) North Eastern Arms NEA-25;
- (z.601) North Eastern Arms NEA102;
- (z.602) Northtech Defense NT15S;
- (z.603) Noveske N4;
- (z.604) Noveske N6;
- (z.605) Noveske Varmageddon AR;
- (z.606) Oberland Arms OA10;
- (z.607) Oberland Arms OA15;
- (z.608) Olympic Arms PCR;
- (z.609) Olympic Arms MFR;
- (z.61) Olympic Arms K3B;
- (z.611) Olympic Arms K40GL;
- (z.612) Olympic Arms K9GL;
- (z.613) Olympic Arms LTF;
- (z.614) Olympic Arms Plinker Plus;
- (z.615) Olympic Arms UM1P Ultramatch;
- (z.616) Olympic Arms UMAR;
- (z.617) Olympic Arms MPR 308-15;
- (z.618) Olympic Arms CAR15 AR;
- (z.619) Olympic Arms CAR97;
- (z.62) Olympic Arms UM1 Ultramatch;
- (z.621) Olympic Arms ML1 Multimatch;
- (z.622) Olympic Arms ML2 Multimatch;
- (z.623) Olympic Arms K4B;
- (z.624) Olympic Arms Bill of Rights Bicentennial Commemorative;
- (z.625) Olympic Arms SM1 Servicematch;
- (z.626) Olympic Arms Titanium;
- (z.627) Olympic Arms Plinker;
- (z.628) Olympic Arms FAR-15;
- (z.629) Olympic Arms K8;
- (z.63) Olympic Arms MQ356;
- (z.631) Olympic Arms Vietnam Limited Edition Commemorative;
- (z.632) Olympic Arms SM1P Servicematch;
- (z.633) Olympic Arms K22 Rimfire Target Match;
- (z.634) Palmetto Armory BH15A1;
- (z.635) Palmetto State Armory GX-9;
- (z.636) Palmetto State Armory PA-10;
- (z.637) Palmetto State Armory PA-15;
- (z.638) Palmetto State Armory PX9;
- (z.639) Palmetto State Armory PX-10;
- (z.64) Patriot Defense Arms PDA-15;
- (z.641) Performance Engineering SOT-15;
- (z.642) Phase 5 Tactical P5T15;
- (z.643) Phase 5 Tactical Atlas One;
- (z.644) Plumcrazy Firearms C15;
- (z.645) POF CMR;
- (z.646) POF P-15;
- (z.647) POF P300;
- (z.648) POF P308;
- (z.649) POF P415;
- (z.65) POF P416;
- (z.651) Poly Technologies Type CQ-A Semi-Automatic Rifle;
- (z.652) Precision Firearms PF15;
- (z.653) Precision Firearms PF-X08;
- (z.654) PWA AR15 Commando;
- (z.655) PWA Commando;
- (z.656) PWS MARK 1;
- (z.657) PWS MARK 2;
- (z.658) PWS MARK 1 Modern Musket;
- (z.659) PWS PCC9;
- (z.66) PWS MARK 1 Pistol;
- (z.661) PWS MARK 1 Modern Musket Pistol;
- (z.662) PWS MARK 1 Mod 2-M;
- (z.663) Q Honey Badger;
- (z.664) Quartercircle10 GSF Pistol;
- (z.665) Quentin Defense QD-15;
- (z.666) Quentin Defense SBR;
- (z.667) Quentin Defense ZRT;
- (z.668) Radian 1;
- (z.669) Radical Firearms RF-15;
- (z.67) Radical Firearms RM-15;
- (z.671) Radical Firearms RMR-10;
- (z.672) Rainier Arms Overthrow;
- (z.673) Rainier Arms RB-15;
- (z.674) Rainier Arms RB308;
- (z.675) Rainier Arms RM-15;
- (z.676) Rat Worx M-7;
- (z.677) Red River Tactical RRT-TAC15;
- (z.678) Red Stag Technologies Red Stag;
- (z.679) Remington R15 VTR;
- (z.68) Remington LRP-07;
- (z.681) Remington R4;
- (z.682) Remington R25;
- (z.683) Remington R25 G2;
- (z.684) Revolution Armory AR-410;
- (z.685) RGM Incorporated Marksman;
- (z.686) RGuns TRR15;
- (z.687) Rhino Arms RA-4;
- (z.688) Rhino Arms RA-4R;
- (z.689) Rise Armament Ripper;
- (z.69) RND Edge;
- (z.691) Rock Island Armory M15A1;
- (z.692) Rock Island Armory XM15;
- (z.693) Rock Island Armory XM15E2;
- (z.694) Rock River Arms LAR-15;
- (z.695) Rock River Arms LAR-15 Law Enforcement;
- (z.696) Rock River Arms LAR-15 Varmint;
- (z.697) Rock River Arms LAR-15/9MM;
- (z.698) Rock River Arms LAR-15 Pistol;
- (z.699) Rock River Arms LAR-15 Elite;
- (z.7) Rock River Arms LAR-15 Coyote;
- (z.701) Rock River Arms LAR-15 Predator Pursuit;
- (z.702) Rock River Arms LAR-458;
- (z.703) Rock River Arms LAR-6.8;
- (z.704) Rock River Arms LAR-8;
- (z.705) Rock River Arms LAR-15 ATH;
- (z.706) Rock River Arms LAR-15 Operator;
- (z.707) Rock River Arms LAR-8 Operator;
- (z.708) Rock River Arms LAR-47;
- (z.709) Rock River Arms LAR-15LH;
- (z.71) Rock River Arms LAR-15 Hunter;
- (z.711) Rock River Arms LAR-15 Fred Eichler Series;
- (z.712) Rock River Arms LAR-15 R3 Competition;
- (z.713) Rock River Arms LAR-15 Texas;
- (z.714) Rock River Arms LAR-15 Tactical;
- (z.715) Rock River Arms LAR-15 Government;
- (z.716) Rock River Arms LAR-15 TASC;
- (z.717) Rock River Arms LAR-15 National Match;
- (z.718) Rock River Arms LAR-15 DEA;
- (z.719) Rock River Arms LAR-9;
- (z.72) Rock River Arms LAR-9 Pistol;
- (z.721) Rock River Arms LAR-40;
- (z.722) Rock River Arms LAR-PDS;
- (z.723) Rock River Arms LAR-40 Pistol;
- (z.724) Rock River Arms LAR-6;
- (z.725) Rock River Arms LAR-8M;
- (z.726) Rock River Arms LAR-10;
- (z.727) Rocky Point Guns LE15;
- (z.728) Roggio RA15;
- (z.729) Royal Arms Rak15;
- (z.73) Ruger SR556;
- (z.731) Ruger SR556 VT;
- (z.732) Ruger AR556;
- (z.733) S&J Hardware SJ-15;
- (z.734) Sabatti SAR;
- (z.735) Sabertooth Defence M4;
- (z.736) Sabre Defence Industries SR-15;
- (z.737) Sabre Defence Industries XR10;
- (z.738) Sabre Defence Industries XR15;
- (z.739) Safir T12;
- (z.74) Safir T14;
- (z.741) Salient Arms International GRY;
- (z.742) Salient Arms International SAI-T2;
- (z.743) Savage MSR-10;
- (z.744) Savage MSR-15;
- (z.745) Schmeisser AR15;
- (z.746) Schmeisser MR-BA19;
- (z.747) Seekins Precision NX15;
- (z.748) Seekins Precision SBA15;
- (z.749) Seekins Precision SP15;
- (z.75) Seekins Precision SP223;
- (z.751) Seekins Precision SPX;
- (z.752) Sendra Corp M15A1;
- (z.753) Sendra Corp XM15E2;
- (z.754) SFRC SFRC-15;
- (z.755) SGW AR15;
- (z.756) SGW AR15A1;
- (z.757) SGW AR15A2;
- (z.758) SGW CAR15;
- (z.759) SGW CAR15 AR;
- (z.76) SGW K3B;
- (z.761) SGW Ultra Match Rifle;
- (z.762) SGW XM15A1;
- (z.763) Sharps Bros The Jack;
- (z.764) Sharps Bros Warthog;
- (z.765) Sharps Rifle Company Sharps 15;
- (z.766) ShoeLess Ventures FAB10;
- (z.767) Shooting Edge OA15;
- (z.768) SI Defense SI AR-15;
- (z.769) SI Defense SI-D;
- (z.77) SI Defense SI-HK;
- (z.771) SI Defense SI-C;
- (z.772) SIG Sauer SIG 516;
- (z.773) SIG Sauer SIG 716;
- (z.774) SIG Sauer SIG M400;
- (z.775) SIG Sauer SIG M400 Elite;
- (z.776) Six Sigma Arms P18-32;
- (z.777) Smith & Wesson M&P 15T;
- (z.778) Smith & Wesson M&P 15;
- (z.779) Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22;
- (z.78) Smith & Wesson M&P 15FT;
- (z.781) Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22PC;
- (z.782) Smith & Wesson M&P 15 Magpul;
- (z.783) Smith & Wesson M&P 10;
- (z.784) Smith & Wesson M&P 15A;
- (z.785) Smith & Wesson M&P 15PC;
- (z.786) Smith & Wesson M&P 15OR;
- (z.787) Smith & Wesson M&P 15PS;
- (z.788) Smith & Wesson M&P 10 Creedmoor;
- (z.789) Smith & Wesson M&P 15i;
- (z.79) SMOS SM-15;
- (z.791) SMOS Rogue-15;
- (z.792) SMOS Rogue-50;
- (z.793) Sniper Central SI-C;
- (z.794) SNS Industries Max 15;
- (z.795) SNS Industries LFT-15;
- (z.796) SNS Industries NO-15;
- (z.797) SNS Industries Max 15 Pistol;
- (z.798) Socom Firearms Corporation Recon AR15;
- (z.799) Socom Manufacturing BR-15-A6S;
- (z.8) Spartan Precision SP15;
- (z.801) Special Ops Tactical SO15;
- (z.802) Spike’s Tactical ST-15;
- (z.803) Spike’s Tactical SL-15;
- (z.804) Spike’s Tactical ST-22;
- (z.805) Spike’s Tactical CJ15;
- (z.806) Spike’s Tactical Hellbreaker;
- (z.807) Spike’s Tactical Warthog;
- (z.808) Spike’s Tactical The Jack;
- (z.809) Spike’s Tactical Spartan;
- (z.81) Spike’s Tactical Jack 10;
- (z.811) Spirit Gun Manufacturing Company SGM9;
- (z.812) Springfield Armory Saint;
- (z.813) STAG Arms STAG-6L;
- (z.814) STAG Arms STAG-6.8;
- (z.815) STAG Arms STAG-9;
- (z.816) STAG Arms STAG-10;
- (z.817) STAG Arms STAG-10S;
- (z.818) STAG Arms STAG-15;
- (z.819) STAG Arms STAG-223;
- (z.82) Sterling Arms SAI 102;
- (z.821) STI International AR15 Custom Rifle;
- (z.822) Stillers Precision Firearms Predator XT;
- (z.823) Stoner SR-25;
- (z.824) Stoner SR-15;
- (z.825) Stoner MARK 11 Model 0;
- (z.826) Stoner M110;
- (z.827) Stoner XM110;
- (z.828) Stoner MARK 11 Model 1;
- (z.829) Sun Devil SD15;
- (z.83) Sun Devil SD308;
- (z.831) Superior Arms S-15;
- (z.832) Surplus Ammo & Arms LOW15;
- (z.833) Surplus Ammo & Arms LOW16;
- (z.834) Surplus Ammo & Arms SA15;
- (z.835) SWAT Firearms SF-15;
- (z.836) SWORD International MARK 15 Model 0;
- (z.837) SWORD International MARK 16 Model 0;
- (z.838) SWORD International MARK 17 Model 0;
- (z.839) SWORD International MARK 18 Model 0;
- (z.84) SWORD International MARK 18 Model 0 Mjolnir;
- (z.841) Tactical Armz TA-15;
- (z.842) Tactical Innovations T-15;
- (z.843) Tactical Innovations T-15BDX;
- (z.844) Tactical Machining TM-15;
- (z.845) Tactical Machining TM308;
- (z.846) Tactical Machining TSG-15;
- (z.847) Tactical Rifles Government;
- (z.848) Tactical Rifles Tactical M4C;
- (z.849) Tactical Rifles Tactical SPG;
- (z.85) Tactical Rifles Tactical SVR;
- (z.851) Talon Arms TA-15;
- (z.852) Taran Tactical TR-1;
- (z.853) Tech Designs AR-15;
- (z.854) Territorial Gunsmiths SLR15;
- (z.855) Thor TR15 Carbine;
- (z.856) Tippmann Arms M4-22;
- (z.857) Titusville Armory TA-15;
- (z.858) TKS Engineering AR15HD;
- (z.859) TNW SGP15;
- (z.86) Tom Sawyer M4-Z1;
- (z.861) Tom Sawyer Jolly Roger;
- (z.862) Trojan Firearms PRO9V1;
- (z.863) Trojan Firearms TFA-PCC9G;
- (z.864) Trojan Firearms ULV1;
- (z.865) Troy Defense Troy 102;
- (z.866) Troy Defense Troy Carbine;
- (z.867) Troy Defense Troy M4A1 Carbine;
- (z.868) Troy Defense Troy M4A1 SOCC;
- (z.869) Troy Defense Troy M7A1 CQB;
- (z.87) Troy Defense Troy M7A1 PDW Carbine;
- (z.871) Troy Defense Troy M16A2 Mogadishu;
- (z.872) Troy Defense Troy Northern Guard;
- (z.873) Troy Industries Troy CQB-SPC;
- (z.874) True North Arms TNA-15;
- (z.875) Turnbull Manufacturing TAR-15;
- (z.876) Turnbull Manufacturing TAR-10;
- (z.877) Umbrella Corporation AR15;
- (z.878) Umlaut Industries U4;
- (z.879) Unik Alpha;
- (z.88) United Defense S7;
- (z.881) US Arms Patriot 15;
- (z.882) US Autoweapons USM4;
- (z.883) US Firearms Academy BB-16;
- (z.884) USA Tactical Firearms USA-15;
- (z.885) UT Arms GEN-1AR;
- (z.886) Utas XTR-12;
- (z.887) V Seven Weapons GI Seven;
- (z.888) VC Defense VC-15;
- (z.889) Vidalia Police Supply VPS-15;
- (z.89) VM Hy-Tech VM15;
- (z.891) Vulcan Armament V15;
- (z.892) Web Arms WA-15;
- (z.893) Wilson Combat AR15 UT;
- (z.894) Wilson Combat AR15 TPR;
- (z.895) Wilson Combat AR15 M4;
- (z.896) Wilson Combat AR15 TL;
- (z.897) Wilson Combat AR15 SM;
- (z.898) Wilson Combat AR15 SS;
- (z.899) Wilson Combat AR15;
- (z.9) Wilson Combat AR-10;
- (z.901) Wilson Combat AR9G;
- (z.902) Wilson Tactical WT-15;
- (z.903) Windham Weaponry MCS;
- (z.904) Windham Weaponry WW-15;
- (z.905) Windham Weaponry WW-308;
- (z.906) Windham Weaponry WW-CF;
- (z.907) WMA WMA-15;
- (z.908) Wolverine Tactical Firearms WAR-15;
- (z.909) Wolverine Tactical Firearms WT-15;
- (z.91) Xtreme Gun XG15;
- (z.911) Xtreme Machining XR15;
- (z.912) YHM 57;
- (z.913) YHM YHM-15;
- (z.914) ZEV Technologies Mega-LF;
- (z.915) ZEV Technologies Mega-TR15;
- (z.916) ZEV Technologies ZEV-BL;
- (z.917) ZEV Technologies ZEV-FL;
- (z.918) ZM Weapons LR300ML;
- (z.919) ZM Weapons LR300SR; and
- (z.92) Zombie Defense Z-4.
88 The firearm of the design commonly known as the Ruger Mini-14 rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including the
- (a) Clark Custom Guns Ruger Mini-14;
- (b) Ruger Mini-14 GB;
- (c) Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle;
- (d) Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle Deluxe;
- (e) Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle LE;
- (f) Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle LET;
- (g) Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle NRA Edition;
- (h) Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Target Rifle; and
- (i) Ruger Mini Thirty.

89 The firearm of the design commonly known as the US Rifle, M14, and any variant or modified version of it, including the
- (a) American Historical Foundation Federal Ordnance M14 US Rifle Vietnam War Commemorative;
- (b) Armscorp US Rifle M14;
- (c) Armscorp US Rifle M14 National Match;
- (d) AR Sales MARK 4;
- (e) Bula Defense Systems M14;
- (f) Dominion Arms Socom 18;
- (g) Entreprise Arms US Rifle M14A2;
- (h) Federal Ordnance M14SA US Rifle;
- (i) Fulton Armory M14;
- (j) Hesse Arms M14H Brush;
- (k) Hesse Arms M14H;
- (l) James River Armory M14;
- (m) La France Specialties M14K;
- (n) LRB Arms M14SA US Rifle;
- (o) LRB Arms M25;
- (p) McMillan M1A;
- (q) McMillan M3A;
- (r) MK Specialties M14A1 Semi-Automatic;
- (s) Norinco M14 Semi-Automatic;
- (t) Norinco 305;
- (u) Norinco CSLR27;
- (v) Norinco CSLR28;
- (w) Norinco M305;
- (x) Norinco 305A;
- (y) Norinco M305C;
- (z) Norinco M305D;
- (z.01) Poly Technologies M14 Semi-Automatic;
- (z.02) Poly Technologies M305;
- (z.03) Rockola US Rifle M14F;
- (z.04) Smith Enterprises US Rifle M14 National Match;
- (z.05) Smith Enterprises US Rifle M14;
- (z.06) Springfield Armory US Rifle M1A-A1 Bush Rifle;
- (z.07) Springfield Armory US Rifle M1A-A1 Scout Rifle;
- (z.08) Springfield Armory US Rifle M21;
- (z.09) Springfield Armory US Rifle M1A National Match;
- (z.1) Springfield Armory US Rifle M1A Super Match;
- (z.11) Springfield Armory US Rifle M1A;
- (z.12) Springfield Armory US Rifle M25;
- (z.13) Springfield Armory US Rifle M1A SOCOM 16;
- (z.14) Springfield Armory US Rifle M1A SOCOM 2;
- (z.15) Springfield Armory US Rifle M1A NRA Camp Perry National Matches 100th Anniversary;
- (z.16) Springfield Armory US Rifle M1A Loaded; and
- (z.17) Springfield Armory US Rifle M1A Scout Squad.
90 The firearm of the design commonly known as the Vz58 rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including the
- (a) Century Arms VZ2008 Sporter;
- (b) CZ CZ958 2P;
- (c) CZ CZ958 2V;
- (d) CZ CZ958 Hunter P;
- (e) CZ CZH2003 Sport;
- (f) CZ CZ858 Tactical-2 P;
- (g) CZ CZ858 Tactical-2 V;
- (h) CZ CZ858 Tactical-4 P;
- (i) CZ CZ858 Tactical-4 V;
- (j) CZ CZ858 Tactical-2 P Spartan Limited Edition;
- (k) Czech Small Arms SA VZ58 Canadian Sporter 7.62;
- (l) Czech Small Arms SA VZ58 Sporter 5.56;
- (m) Czech Small Arms SA VZ58 Sporter 7.62;
- (n) Czech Small Arms SA VZ58 Sporter 222 REM;
- (o) Czech Small Arms SA VZ58 Sporter 223 REM;
- (p) D-Technik SA VZ58 Sporter 7.62;
- (q) Gazela Gazela 58;
- (r) Grand Power SA VZ58 Sporter 7.62;
- (s) Kodiak Defence WR762;
- (t) Ohio Ordnance Works VZ2000;
- (u) Petr Novohradsky FSN-01;
- (v) Petr Novohradsky FSN-01K;
- (w) PPK KSK;
- (x) PPK KSK Hunter;
- (y) Rock Island Armory WR762USA;
- (z) West Rifle WR762; and
- (z.1) Zelanysport Gazela 58.
91 The firearm of the design commonly known as the Robinson Armament XCR rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including the Robinson Armament
- (a) XCR-L;
- (b) XCR-L Micro Pistol;
- (c) XCR-M; and
- (d) XCR-M Micro Pistol.
92 The firearms of the designs commonly known as the CZ Scorpion EVO 3 carbine and CZ Scorpion EVO 3 pistol, and any variants or modified versions of them, including the CZ
- (a) CZ Scorpion EVO 3 S1 Carbine;
- (b) CZ Scorpion EVO 3 S1 Pistol; and
- (c) CZ Scorpion EVO 3 S2 Pistol Micro.
93 The firearm of the design commonly known as the Beretta Cx4 Storm carbine, and any variant or modified version of it.
94 The firearms of the designs commonly known as the SIG Sauer SIG MCX carbine, SIG Sauer SIG MCX pistol, SIG Sauer SIG MPX carbine and SIG Sauer SIG MPX pistol, and any variants or modified versions of them, including the SIG Sauer
- (a) SIG MCX Rattler; and
- (b) SIG MCX Rattler Pistol.

95 Any firearm with a bore diameter of 20 mm or greater — other than one designed exclusively for the purpose of neutralizing explosive devices — including the
- (a) Aerotek NTW;
- (b) Airtronic M203;
- (c) Alpimex APK 20;
- (d) Amtec Less-Lethal Systems (ALS) 40MM Launcher;
- (e) Anzio Ironworks Anzio 20;
- (f) Argentine Mortar FMK2 81MM;
- (g) Argentine Mortar FMK2 120MM;
- (h) Argentine Mortar FMK1 60MM;
- (i) Argentine Mortar FMK2 60MM;
- (j) Argentine Mortar FMK3 60MM;
- (k) Armsan BA 40;
- (l) Armscor Stopper;
- (m) Arsenal UGGL-M1;
- (n) Arsenal UBGL;
- (o) Arsenal MSGL;
- (p) Astra Arms SL203;
- (q) Astra Arms GL203;
- (r) Austrian Mortar C6 60MM;
- (s) Austrian Mortar M6 60MM;
- (t) Austrian Mortar M8 81MM;
- (u) Austrian Mortar M12 120MM;
- (v) Bates & Dittus UBL-37;
- (w) Bates & Dittus ExD-37;
- (x) Bates & Dittus TBL-37;
- (y) Bates & Dittus SML-37 Pistol;
- (z) Beretta GLX160;
- (z.001) British Mortar ML-3 Inch;
- (z.002) British Mortar ML-4.2 Inch;
- (z.003) Brugger & Thomet GL06;
- (z.004) Bulgarian Mortar M60 60MM;
- (z.005) Bulgarian Mortar M81 81MM;
- (z.006) Bulgarian Mortar M82 82MM;
- (z.007) Chilean Mortar Commando;
- (z.008) Chilean Mortar M57 81MM;
- (z.009) China Lake EX-41;
- (z.01) Chinese Mortar Type 53;
- (z.011) Cobray 37MM Launcher;
- (z.012) Colt Eagle;
- (z.013) Colt M203;
- (z.014) Colt M79;
- (z.015) Corner Blast PGL A1;
- (z.016) CQ Type CQ 40MM;
- (z.017) Croatian Service RT-20;
- (z.018) CZ CZ805 G1;
- (z.019) Czech Weapons SAG 30;
- (z.02) Czech Weapons CZW 40;
- (z.021) Czechoslovakian Mortar VZ52;
- (z.022) Daewoo K201;
- (z.023) Defense Technology L8;
- (z.024) Defense Technology 40MM Launcher;
- (z.025) Defense Technology 37MM Gas Gun;
- (z.026) Defense Technology 37MM Gas Gun Pistol;
- (z.027) Defense Technology 1375 Multi-Launcher;
- (z.028) Degtyarev ASVK;
- (z.029) Denel NTW 20HS;
- (z.03) Denel PAW-20;
- (z.031) Denel NTW;
- (z.032) Dezamet GSBO-40;
- (z.033) Dezamet GPBO-40;
- (z.034) Diemaco M203A1;
- (z.035) Diemaco Eagle;
- (z.036) DPMS A-15 37MM Launcher;
- (z.037) DSA 40MM Launcher;
- (z.038) DSA Incorporated M203;
- (z.039) Elite Machining ELM-40;
- (z.04) ERE Systems M203 ERE Elite Launcher;
- (z.041) Et Cetera 37MM Launcher;
- (z.042) Exotic Firearms Nemesis-SL;
- (z.043) Federal Laboratories 201Z;
- (z.044) Federal Laboratories 203A;
- (z.045) Federal Laboratories Federal Gas Riot Gun;
- (z.046) Floro International 40MM Launcher;
- (z.047) Floro International M400;
- (z.048) Floro International M203;
- (z.049) FN EGLM;
- (z.05) FN MARK 13 Model 0;
- (z.051) FN FN40GL;
- (z.052) German Anti-Tank Rifle GrB39;
- (z.053) German Anti-Tank Rifle M41;
- (z.054) German Anti-Tank Rifle PzB38;
- (z.055) German Anti-Tank Rifle PzB39;
- (z.056) German Anti-Tank Rifle PzB41;
- (z.057) German Mortar 1934 Granatwerfer;
- (z.058) German Mortar Kurzer Granatewerfer 42;
- (z.059) Greek Mortar C6 60MM;
- (z.06) Greek Mortar E44 81MM;
- (z.061) Greek Mortar E56 120MM;
- (z.062) Heckler & Koch HKMZP1;
- (z.063) Heckler & Koch HK69A1 Granatpistole;
- (z.064) Heckler & Koch HKAG-G36;
- (z.065) Heckler & Koch HKAG-C;
- (z.066) Heckler & Koch HKXM320;
- (z.067) Heckler & Koch HKAG-HK416;
- (z.068) Heckler & Koch HKAG 36;
- (z.069) Heckler & Koch HKGLM;
- (z.07) Heckler & Koch HKAG-M16A4;
- (z.071) Heckler & Koch HKAG-M4;
- (z.072) Heckler & Koch HKM320;
- (z.073) Heckler & Koch HKM320 A1;
- (z.074) Heckler & Koch HK168E1;
- (z.075) Heckler & Koch HK79;
- (z.076) Heckler & Koch HK269;
- (z.077) Heckler & Koch HK169;
- (z.078) Helenius RK20;
- (z.079) Helenius RK99 MARK 2;
- (z.08) Hotchkiss 1934 Canon SAH;
- (z.081) IOF Ugra;
- (z.082) IOF UBGL;
- (z.083) IOF Vidhwansak;
- (z.084) Israeli Mortar C03;
- (z.085) Italian Mortar Otobreda 81MM;
- (z.086) IWI UBGL;
- (z.087) Japanese Anti-Tank Rifle Type 97;
- (z.088) Knights Armament Company M203;
- (z.089) Lahti 39;
- (z.09) Lake Erie Chemical Company Tru-Flite;
- (z.091) Lamperd L40SL;
- (z.092) LEI M203-PR;
- (z.093) LMT M203;
- (z.094) LMT M2032003 FMT;
- (z.095) LMT 37MM Launcher;
- (z.096) LMT 40MM Launcher;
- (z.097) Luvo M203;
- (z.098) Maadi UBGL;
- (z.099) Manville Manville Gas Gun;
- (z.1) Metallic Limited RBG-1;
- (z.101) Metallic Limited RBG-6;
- (z.102) Milkor Stopper;
- (z.103) Milkor MGL MARK 1;
- (z.104) Milkor M79;
- (z.105) Milkor MRGL;
- (z.106) Milkor USA MGL-140 M32;
- (z.107) Milkor USA MGL-140;
- (z.108) Milkor USA MGL-105;
- (z.109) Milkor USA MGL-AV140;
- (z.11) Missile Launcher 9K111 Fagot;
- (z.111) Missile Launcher 9K310 Igla-1;
- (z.112) Missile Launcher 9K32 Strela-2;
- (z.113) Missile Launcher 9K34 Strela-3;
- (z.114) Missile Launcher 9K38 Igla;
- (z.115) Missile Launcher BGM-71 TOW;
- (z.116) Missile Launcher Eryx;
- (z.117) Missile Launcher FGM-148 Javelin;
- (z.118) Missile Launcher FIM-43 Redeye;
- (z.119) Missile Launcher FIM-92 Stinger;
- (z.12) Missile Launcher HN-5;
- (z.121) Missile Launcher Ingwe;
- (z.122) Missile Launcher M47 Dragon;
- (z.123) Missile Launcher MILAN;
- (z.124) Missile Launcher Saegheh;
- (z.125) Missile Launcher Starstreak;
- (z.126) Missile Launcher Toophan;
- (z.127) Missile Launcher Type 79;
- (z.128) MKE T40;
- (z.129) MKE Grenade Launcher;
- (z.13) Oerlikon SSG 32;
- (z.131) Oerlikon SSG 36;
- (z.132) Ordnance Group TAC79;
- (z.133) Ordnance Group TAC-D;
- (z.134) Penn Arms L140;
- (z.135) Penn Arms H140;
- (z.136) Penn Arms P540;
- (z.137) Penn Arms L640;
- (z.138) Penn Arms P837;
- (z.139) Penn Arms L837;
- (z.14) Penn Arms L137;
- (z.141) Penn Arms AML1-37;
- (z.142) Penn Arms HL;
- (z.143) Penn Arms HG;
- (z.144) Penn Arms L8;
- (z.145) Penn Arms L6;
- (z.146) Penn Arms L1;
- (z.147) Penn Arms GL1;
- (z.148) Penn Arms PGL65;
- (z.149) Penn Arms GL6;
- (z.15) Penn Arms GL65;
- (z.151) Penn Arms PL8;
- (z.152) Penn Arms TL1;
- (z.153) Penn Arms TL8;
- (z.154) Penn Arms TGL1;
- (z.155) Penn Arms TGL6;
- (z.156) Pindad SPG-1;
- (z.157) PMP NTW;
- (z.158) Polish Grenade Launcher Wz74;
- (z.159) Polish Grenade Launcher Wz83;
- (z.16) Portuguese Mortar M965;
- (z.161) Portuguese Mortar M937;
- (z.162) Recoilless Rifle AT4;
- (z.163) Recoilless Rifle B-10;
- (z.164) Recoilless Rifle FMK1 105MM;
- (z.165) Recoilless Rifle Folgore;
- (z.166) Recoilless Rifle M136 AT4;
- (z.167) Recoilless Rifle M18A1;
- (z.168) Recoilless Rifle M40A1;
- (z.169) Recoilless Rifle M60;
- (z.17) Recoilless Rifle M60A;
- (z.171) Recoilless Rifle M65;
- (z.172) Recoilless Rifle Pansarskott M68 Miniman;
- (z.173) Recoilless Rifle RGW 60;
- (z.174) Recoilless Rifle RGW 90;
- (z.175) Recoilless Rifle SPG-9;
- (z.176) Recoilless Rifle Type 36 M18A1 Recoilless Rifle Copy;
- (z.177) Recoilless Rifle Type 65;
- (z.178) Recoilless Rifle Type 78;
- (z.179) Rippel Effect XRGL40;
- (z.18) Rippel Effect LL40;
- (z.181) RM Equipment M203PI;
- (z.182) Rocket Launcher P27;
- (z.183) Rocket Launcher RPG-27 Tavolga;
- (z.184) Rocket Launcher ALAC;
- (z.185) Rocket Launcher MARA;
- (z.186) Rocket Launcher Shipon;
- (z.187) Rocket Launcher RPG-22 Netto;
- (z.188) Rocket Launcher MARK 153 SMAW;
- (z.189) Rocket Launcher B-300;
- (z.19) Rocket Launcher RPG-26 Aglen;
- (z.191) Rocket Launcher RPG-76;
- (z.192) Rocket Launcher RPG-7;
- (z.193) Rocket Launcher M1;
- (z.194) Rocket Launcher M1A1;
- (z.195) Rocket Launcher M9;
- (z.196) Rocket Launcher RPG-75;
- (z.197) Rocket Launcher LRAC89-F1;
- (z.198) Rocket Launcher RPG-16 Udar;
- (z.199) Rocket Launcher RPG-7B;
- (z.2) Rocket Launcher RL100 Blindicide;
- (z.201) Rocket Launcher M141 SMAW-D;
- (z.202) Rocket Launcher MARK 777 RPG;
- (z.203) Rocket Launcher ATGL RPG;
- (z.204) Rocket Launcher Type 69 RPG;
- (z.205) Rocket Launcher Type 56 RPG;
- (z.206) Rocket Launcher RPG-2;
- (z.207) Rocket Launcher Cobra RPG;
- (z.208) Rocket Launcher Panzerfaust 3;
- (z.209) Rocket Launcher APILAS;
- (z.21) Rocket Launcher Wasp;
- (z.211) Rocket Launcher Bunkerfaust;
- (z.212) Rocket Launcher Type 2004 RPG;
- (z.213) Rocket Launcher PF98;
- (z.214) Rocket Launcher RPG-28 Klyukva;
- (z.215) Rocket Launcher RPG-29 Vampir;
- (z.216) Rocket Launcher FT5;
- (z.217) Rocket Launcher C90;
- (z.218) Rocket Launcher M20B1;
- (z.219) Rocket Launcher M72;
- (z.22) Romarm AG-40;
- (z.221) Russian Artillery M1942 Anti-Tank Gun;
- (z.222) Russian Mortar M1937;
- (z.223) Russian Service DP-64;
- (z.224) Sabre Defence Industries XR40;
- (z.225) Sabre Defence Industries XR37;
- (z.226) Sage ML40 MARK 1;
- (z.227) Sage Ace 37MM Launcher;
- (z.228) Sage Ace 40MM Launcher;
- (z.229) Sage Deuce 37MM Launcher;
- (z.23) Sage Deuce 40MM Launcher;
- (z.231) Schermuly 38MM Multi-Purpose Gun;
- (z.232) Singapore Technologies Kinetics 40GL;
- (z.233) Smith & Wesson 210/276;
- (z.234) Smith & Wesson 276;
- (z.235) Solothurn S18-100;
- (z.236) Solothurn S18-1000;
- (z.237) Spike’s Tactical 37MM Launcher STZ Havoc;
- (z.238) Swiss Anti Tank Rifle Tankbusche 41;
- (z.239) Swiss Arms GL5040;
- (z.24) Swiss Arms GL5140;
- (z.241) Swiss Arms GLG40;
- (z.242) Taiwanese Grenade Launcher T85;
- (z.243) Tarnow RGP-40;
- (z.244) Tarnow GP40;
- (z.245) Tarnow GS40;
- (z.246) Truvelo SR20;
- (z.247) Truvelo HSR 20;
- (z.248) Truvelo CMS 20;
- (z.249) US Mortar M2;
- (z.25) US Mortar M1;
- (z.251) US Mortar XM224E3;
- (z.252) US Ordnance M6 37MM Gun;
- (z.253) US Recoilless M18; and
- (z.254) US Recoilless M20.

96 Any firearm capable of discharging a projectile with a muzzle energy greater than 10,000 joules — other than one referred to in item 12, 13, 14, 20, 22 or 30 of this Part or one designed exclusively for the purpose of neutralizing explosive devices — including the
- (a) AAO 2000;
- (b) Accuracy International AW50;
- (c) Accuracy International AS50;
- (d) Accuracy International AX;
- (e) Accuracy International AX50;
- (f) Alberta Tactical Rifle Big Bertha;
- (g) Alberta Tactical Rifle ATSHL Prototype;
- (h) Alberta Tactical Rifle ATSHL;
- (i) Alberta Tactical Rifle AT50;
- (j) Allied Armament Browning M2 Heavy Barrel;
- (k) Allied Armament Browning M3 Aircraft;
- (l) Alpimex APK 12.7;
- (m) American Tactical Imports Omni Hybrid;
- (n) AMP DSR 50;
- (o) AMSD OM 50 Nemesis;
- (p) Anzio Ironworks Anzio 50 CM1;
- (q) Anzio Ironworks Anzio 50 Lightweight;
- (r) Anzio Ironworks Anzio SS;
- (s) Anzio Ironworks Anzio 50;
- (t) Anzio Ironworks Anzio 14.5;
- (u) Armalite AR-50;
- (v) Armalite AR-50A1;
- (w) Armtech BM50;
- (x) Azerbaijani Sniper Rifle Istiglal IST 12.7;
- (y) Azerbaijani Sniper Rifle Istiglal IST 14.5;
- (z) Ballard SB500;
- (z.001) Barnard GP;
- (z.002) Barrett Firearms 99;
- (z.003) BAT Machine EX;
- (z.004) BCM Europearms Extreme;
- (z.005) BCM Europearms MAAR Extreme;
- (z.006) BCM Europearms STD Extreme;
- (z.007) Bluegrass Armory Viper XL;
- (z.008) Boys MARK 1*;
- (z.009) Boys MARK 1;
- (z.01) Bushmaster BA50;
- (z.011) Cadex CDX-50 Tremor;
- (z.012) Canstar Arms CS 50;
- (z.013) Canstar Arms CS1 Prototype;
- (z.014) Canstar Arms CS2 Prototype;
- (z.015) Canstar Arms CS 50-2;
- (z.016) Caracal CS50;
- (z.017) China South Industries Group AMR-2;
- (z.018) China South Industries Group LR2A;
- (z.019) Christensen Arms Carbon One Ranger;
- (z.02) Christensen Arms Carbon One Conquest;
- (z.021) Christensen Arms Carbon Ranger;
- (z.022) Cobb FA50;
- (z.023) Cobb FA50(T);
- (z.024) Cobb BA50;
- (z.025) Croatian Service MACS M3;
- (z.026) Croatian Service MACS M4;
- (z.027) Czech Weapons CZW 127;
- (z.028) Defence Industries Organization AM-50;
- (z.029) Degtyarev ASVK;
- (z.03) Denel NTW;
- (z.031) Desert Tactical Arms HTI;
- (z.032) Desert Tech HTI;
- (z.033) DPMS A-15;
- (z.034) DPMS A-15 Panther VRS Single Shot;
- (z.035) EAA M93 Black Arrow;
- (z.036) East Ridge/State Arms Gun Company Big Bertha;
- (z.037) EDM Arms XM-107 Windrunner;
- (z.038) EDM Arms SA-01 Windrunner;
- (z.039) EDM Arms 96 Windrunner;
- (z.04) Elite Machining Elite 50;
- (z.041) Essential Arms Company J15;
- (z.042) Essential Arms Company J15F;
- (z.043) Evolution USA Phantom 3;
- (z.044) FN Hecate 2;
- (z.045) FN Nemesis;
- (z.046) Fortmeier, Heinrich 2001;
- (z.047) Fortmeier, Heinrich 2002;
- (z.048) Gepard GM6 Lynx;
- (z.049) German Anti-Tank Rifle PzB42;
- (z.05) Gun Room Company Noreen ULR;
- (z.051) Hagelberg FH50;
- (z.052) Halo Arms HA50 FTR;
- (z.053) Halo Arms HA50 LRR;
- (z.054) Helenius RK97;
- (z.055) Helenius RK99;
- (z.056) Helenius RK99 MARK 1;
- (z.057) IOF Vidhwansak;
- (z.058) Jard J50;
- (z.059) Jard J51;
- (z.06) JRS 510;
- (z.061) Karta Tool Frenchy 1 Prototype;
- (z.062) Kovrov SVN-98;
- (z.063) LAR Manufacturing Grizzly Big Boar;
- (z.064) LAR Manufacturing Grizzly T-50;
- (z.065) McBros 50 BMG Benchrest;
- (z.066) McBros 50 BMG Sporter;
- (z.067) McBros 50 BMG Tactical;
- (z.068) McMillan 50 BMG Benchrest;
- (z.069) McMillan Brothers 50 BMG Benchrest;
- (z.07) McMillan Brothers 50 BMG Sporter;
- (z.071) McMillan Brothers 50 BMG Tactical;
- (z.072) McMillan Brothers TAC-50;
- (z.073) McMillan TAC-50;
- (z.074) McMillan TAC-416;
- (z.075) MG Arms Behemoth;
- (z.076) Mitchells Mausers M93 Black Arrow Target;
- (z.077) Modulo Masterpiece Wizard Extreme Long Range Match;
- (z.078) Noreen Firearms Noreen ULR;
- (z.079) Noreen Firearms Noreen ULR Extreme;
- (z.08) Norinco JS 05;
- (z.081) Norinco CSLR5;
- (z.082) Northwest Imports Browning M2 Heavy Barrel;
- (z.083) Odessa Patriot 50;
- (z.084) Omni Windrunner;
- (z.085) PGM Precision Hecate 2;
- (z.086) Phase 5 Tactical P5T15;
- (z.087) Pietsch P B 50 Canadian;
- (z.088) PMP NTW;
- (z.089) Poly Technologies M99;
- (z.09) Poly Technologies M99B;
- (z.091) Prairie Gun Works LRT3REP;
- (z.092) Prairie Gun Works LRT3SS;
- (z.093) Prairie Gun Works LRT50;
- (z.094) RAD M650 SLAMR;
- (z.095) RAD M614;
- (z.096) Ramo 600;
- (z.097) Ramo 650;
- (z.098) Rib Mountain Arms 92;
- (z.099) Robar RC-50;
- (z.1) RPA Quadlock;
- (z.101) RPA Rangemaster 50;
- (z.102) Russian Anti-Tank Rifle PTRS41;
- (z.103) Russian Anti-Tank Rifle PTRD41;
- (z.104) Russian Anti-Tank Rifle PTRR39;
- (z.105) Russian Anti-Tank Rifle PTRSh;
- (z.106) Safety Harbor Firearms SHF/R50;
- (z.107) Safety Harbor Firearms Ultra Mag 50;
- (z.108) Safety Harbor Firearms SHF/S50;
- (z.109) Saxonia Big Valve M2;
- (z.11) Semtecx Single Shot Pistol;
- (z.111) Serbu BFG-50;
- (z.112) Serbu BFG-50A;
- (z.113) Serbu RN-50;
- (z.114) Sero GM6 Lynx;
- (z.115) SIG Sauer SIG 50;
- (z.116) SMOS Rogue-50;
- (z.117) SMOS Rogue-SS;
- (z.118) Spider Firearms Ferret 50;
- (z.119) St George Arms Leader 50 A1;
- (z.12) State Arms Gun Company Rebel;
- (z.121) State Arms Gun Company Mosquito;
- (z.122) State Arms Gun Company Shorty;
- (z.123) State Arms Gun Company Competitor 2000;
- (z.124) Steyr-Mannlicher HS50;
- (z.125) Steyr-Mannlicher HS50M1;
- (z.126) Steyr-Mannlicher HS460;
- (z.127) Stoner SR-50;
- (z.128) Swiss Arms SAN511;
- (z.129) Tactical Machining TM-SS;
- (z.13) Tarnow WKW;
- (z.131) Tasko 7ET3;
- (z.132) Tech Designs Kodiak;
- (z.133) Thompson Machine ARSSL;
- (z.134) Thor Global Defense Group M96 Windrunner Series;
- (z.135) TNW Browning M2 Heavy Barrel;
- (z.136) Triple Action Thunder 50;
- (z.137) Truvelo CMS 12.7;
- (z.138) Truvelo CMS 14.5;
- (z.139) Truvelo SR50;
- (z.14) Ursus Firearms Kodiak;
- (z.141) Valkyrie Arms Browning M2 Heavy Barrel;
- (z.142) VM Hy-Tech VM50;
- (z.143) Vulcan Armament V50SS;
- (z.144) Watsons Weapons 50;
- (z.145) Zastava M93;
- (z.146) Zastava Arms M93 Black Arrow;
- (z.147) Zastava Europe M93;
- (z.148) ZVI OP96; and
- (z.149) ZVI OP99.